Where people are loved, and Jesus is Lord.
Welcome to Grace Baptist Church, where people are loved, and Jesus is Lord. We welcome you into faith and love with open arms. We follow the King James Bible with you. We are an independent fundamental baptist church.
Four things we know and believe:
No-One is good enough to go to Heaven.
Sin comes with punishment
God showed mercy!
Trust Jesus Christ alone to save you
Pray this prayer with us:
Dear Jesus, I know I am a guilty sinner and I am worthy of eternal death in Hell. I believe You love me and died in my place to save me from this punishment. I do now trust You, and only You, to take me to Heaven when I die. Thank you for saving me today.
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Morning Service: 11:00 am
Evening Service: 6:00 pm
Wednesday Service: 7:00 pm
If there are any new announcements, they will be in the announcement tab.